I recommend you to read the book I read recently ‚Why We Sleep‘ by the neuroscientist Matthew Walker.
After reading it, I learned how more sleep can save life!
Scientists have discovered sleeping enhances your memory, makes you happyier and healthier, slimmers, to lowers food cravings and to strenghten your immune system.
The author, professor and scientific expert Matthew Walker explores twenty years of cutting-edge research to solve the mystery of why sleep matters.
Are you now interested to learn more about why we sleep and why we should change some habits?
After reading this book, midnight is no longer ‘mid night’ for my anymore 💤😴😊
I started to change some habits and discovered how much positively it affects my body. Around 2 hourse no (blue)screen time before going to sleep and meditating or reading a book (or listening to it) instead.
Until very recently, science had not really a clear answer to the question of ‚why we sleep’, how much power it has ober our body or why its absence can be damaging to our health.
Are you using any technology or no technology to get a better sleep?
Happy reading!